Tape excerpts and other references to DEEP Character Clearing, the GPM processing approach developed by Clearbird.


 GPM References    Effort Processing References    Scales 


 GPM References

Structure of GPMs

Ron Hubbard, from 6204C24:

"The GPM is constituted of items and beingnesses that the person has been and has fought. The anatomy of problem is everywhere present in the GPM. You have item versus item, and these become suspended on the time track as they are in direct and balanced opposition and therefore motionless in the conflict. We have a situation where the beingnesses of the person accumulate mass, accumulated in that lifetime, or series of lifetimes, and are composed of energy. The things he has been, fought, and avoided will show up as items.

"However, they pull in all the other beingnesses associated and this makes the GPM very large and complex. There are probably tens of millions of valences and lock valences in a GPM. Each valence is composed of a lifetime or series of lifetimes and all of the pictures and energy and standing wave accumulations of that lifetime or series. These form black balls of mass in the mind which are sections of collapsed time track. All of the pc’s items are in this condition – totally collapsed time track. So you have a collapsed time track fighting a collapsed time track, and they are opposed to each other.

"In the GPMs each item has its exact opposition. Both the terminal and opterm contain cold and heat. The bulk of the charge is in the terminal and opterm because they are locked together. The balls are made of standing waves of electricity that take the form in the mind of actual, measurable mass. These balls of mass are made of engrams. To get an exactly matching terminal and opterm doesn’t occur that often – maybe once in quite a few lifetimes. So for all the trilennia, there aren’t that many totally balanced terminals and opterms. But the ferocity and balance of these is such to give an aspect of timelessness, and it is these spheres and masses that affect the pc. There could be a billion years between terminal-opterm pairs. This billion years would be free track and you can run engrams in it but you are missing the GPM. This free track is not balled up, and the case won’t get anywhere, although you may alleviate a few somatics. Furthermore, you are erasing the things on the free track from the viewpoint of one of these masses, an opterm or terminal."

Relative Importance of GPMs in Comparison


Ron Hubbard, from HCOB 28 SEP 1963:


"The actual goals and items of the preclear are several thousand times more aberrative than Implant GPMs. It is almost amusing to note how hard Implanters work and what overts they run up, and to note as well that if it were not for a thetan’s own Goals Problems Mass, they could effect nothing harmful. How hard they work. And all for nothing. They are not the source of aberration. They merely make the universe seem more unpleasant. As for creating aberration, they could not. Sleep lights, Screens, False picture projectors, Goal implants alike are wholly innocuous compared to the thetan’s own Goals Problems Masses. One aberrates himself. And if he did not, nobody else could. Anything worrying the pc or reducing his capability or life potential is to be found in Actual Items or Goals, not in engrams or implants. These are not primary causes. Only the pc’s own goals and items are capable of basically causing the trouble."


"The PC's own goals and items are the final road to O.T."



Restimulation of Opposition


Ron Hubbard, from 6201C17:


"The GPM is a problem of identity vs. identity, or identities vs. identities. It is not a problem of a thought versus a thought. The valences float forward in present time because they are opposed to each other. It’s the not-have things of the valence that persist because one can’t as-is the bad things because he can’t have them. So it’s the things in the valence that are bad that must be opposed and are what come forward and make up the valence. So the total characteristic of a valence is oppose, so a GPM is a total can’t-have. Some day a person is walking along and he sees somebody that reminds him of one of the terminals in one of his packages, the valence restimulates and that whole game comes into present time and you have a GPM."


A Thetan's Integrity to Himself - Violations


Ron Hubbard, from 6207C24:


"The basic evil of why the GPM got there is man’s lack of integrity to himself. One’s lack of integrity to oneself bothers an individual so much that he has to forget what he is being unfaithful about to live at all. Man can betray families and other things and find himself not too badly affected over a series of lifetimes, but being unfaithful to self is not in the same order of magnitude at all. Unfaithfulness on the First Dynamic ranks supreme. You are picking up overts against self, the basic one being betrayal against one’s own postulates. There is another overt which is unspoken and that is being imperfect."


Identity Switches


Ron Hubbard, from 6302C28:


"In the cycle of the GPM, first the thetan makes a postulate, then becomes an identity to make the postulate stick, and in the process of doing that he is opposed, either in his imagination or factually. This causes an opposition identity to materialize which makes him believe he must become a different identity to achieve the goal, and then a second opposition occurs so he assumes a third identity in sequence-and now he has a new opposition."


Reliable Item - Definition


Ron Hubbard, from Tech Dictionary:


"RELIABLE ITEM, [...] 3 . can be an oppterm or a terminal and that meant one that slams when found. (SH Spec 203A, 6210C23) 4 . a black mass with a significance in it which is dominated by a goal and which is part of a GPM. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part I Glossary of Terms)"


Bypassed Item - Definition


Ron Hubbard, from Tech Dictionary:


"BY-PASSED ITEM, when a list has been made and includes a reliable item and that reliable item was not used to find an item in opposition to it, the item which was not so found is called a by-passed item. (HCOB 17 Nov 62)"


Actual GPM - Definition


Ron Hubbard, from Tech Dictionary:


"ACTUAL GPM, the composite black mass of all the pairs of reliable items and their associated locks, dominated and bound together by the significance of an actual goal and having a definite location as a mass on the time track. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VIPart One Glossary of Terms)"


Actual Goal - Definition


Ron Hubbard, from Tech Dictionary:


"ACTUAL GOAL, the dominating significance of the thetan’s own causation which binds together the masses accumulated by the reliable items of an actual GPM. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)"


Types of Charge to Erase


Ron Hubbard, from HCOB 20 AUG 1963:


"In my recent surveys of the Tone Arm and its relationship to auditing, it became apparent that three types of charge existed in a GPM:

1.  Charge as an engram (pain and unconsciousness)

2.  Charge as Reliable Items.

3.  Charge as postulates.

"All three must be removed from a GPM. Any incident, wherever it is on the track, contains postulates (comments, considerations, directions) made by the pc at that time. Thus in all incidents the pc’s postulates must be called for and removed. To remove a postulate from any incident, have the pc repeat it until it no longer reacts on the needle of the meter. If it comes down to a persistent tick get suppress off it and get it repeated again just as in the case of any Reliable Item in a GPM. DON’T LEAVE POSTULATES CHARGED. Treat them like GPM Items whether in a GPM or an engram."

Thinking vs. Confronting Masses


Ron Hubbard, from 6209C27:


"In GPM auditing the pc is confronting masses, and that is why you get pain. You will never THINK a person through to anywhere. The masses originate from an alter-is-ness of the person’s basic purpose, he then compounds it with more purposes and more alter-ises. The physical universe is built on a postulate that has then been alter-ised."


Mass and Force - Gradient Scale of Confronting


Ron Hubbard, from 6210C25:


"Goals Problems Mass is so stated because it is that mass which results from the problem of the terminal versus the opterm as a result of the pc having postulated a goal. The further away on the time track the pc comes from the basic masses of the GPM, the less force the pc can handle, control, or tolerate. The reason a person cannot blow the goal is because of the masses just above it which the pc cannot confront or control. As an individual’s concept of mass and force deteriorate, so pain becomes more feared and undesirable. Pain used to be just considered another sensation at one time. So as an individual shudders away from pain, so his tolerance of mass decreases and force decreases. Pain is basically a sensation of impact. There is also a ratio between mass and speed. A person can confront a large mass as long as the speed of it is slow. It gets to a point where a person cannot see the masses, terminals, opterms, and goals – no confront at all – yet they flinch when told to look though they cannot see anything. A gradient scale of confronting is necessary for successful clearing."


 Effort Processing References


Thought, Emotion, Effort


Ron Hubbard, "History of Man", chapter 2:


"THOUGHT, EMOTION, EFFORT, COUNTER-THOUGHT, COUNTER-EMOTION, COUNTER-EFFORT, motivator ATTENTION UNITS, overt ATTENTION UNITS, ded ATTENTION UNITS and their manifestation on the various tone scale charts are the sum and total of factors to be audited out of any one target. Each and every auditing target contains these factors, is audited in the same way, has the same basic behaviour pattern and succumbs to such auditing.


"It does not matter what target one is addressing in a case, he will not discover wild or unexplained manifestations in HOW he audits that target. Each one in short, is made up of the same woof and warp. Each one is basically theta. Theta behaves and manifests in a constant manner, no matter what form it takes. Thus the auditor should quiet any apprehension he has that something he is auditing is behaving differently than a standard item. Variables, so far as has been discovered do not exist in theta since the discoveries of Dianetics."



Perceptions, Grouping of


Ron Hubbard, from 5203C07B:


"Now, the phenomena in which you’re interested in auditing is very simple phenomena - thought, emotion and effort as they are recorded on facsimiles. [...]


"Those facsimiles contain fifty perceptics, and they are all perceptions of the physical universe. They contain sound, taste, smell, sight, hearing, thermal, motion - these are perceptions. There’s over fifty of them. They contain the conclusion of the individual, his evaluations, his postulates - and those are important parts of them. And the whole thing sets up into a composite of thought, emotion and effort. And that’s what you’re running.


"Now, you run through thought, emotion and effort - any incident which contains thought, emotion and effort - and if you run it through and through and through and through, all of a sudden its thought, emotion and effort are gone. It’s a blank piece of track - it’s a blank incident. Before it goes, however, you have to turn it up to its highest possible level of affinity, communication and reality. On its highest possible level, you turn up like that, and after that it blows and doesn’t bother you anymore. It’s quite fascinating that this happens, but that’s about all the phenomena you need to know - the only way you have to run it."


Without Flattening Effort, 80% of Engram Charge Not Erased


Ron Hubbard, from 5109C24B:


Now the point I'm making is that the percepts are wrapped up in effort. This is quite something. It's a randomity of effort, it's the effort of the individual opposing counter-efforts, and what you're trying to do with effort processing is differentiate between the individual's effort and the counter-effort being opposed to him, and the reduction of the counter efforts, and knocking it into the limbo, and the rehabilitation of the individual's efforts. That's all you're doing. And that's a very, very interesting thing, there isn't a person sitting here in this room, whether he knows it or not, who isn't opposing some counter-effort in the past. [...]


Practically every cell in the body is resisting one of these imaginary efforts from some direction or another, but selectively these old efforts can be processed out in this fashion. They are the most important thing in processing. Another way this can be done is when you've got a preclear back on the track, to hell with whether or not he's got sonic on, but boy, you make sure he gets the effort, and he's running the engram.


The boys took a, one case, a beautiful series of, this is the medical report. They took a boy and ran an engram which had been run before, and ran it on effort. Ran the effort out of it, and the effort was still there, and the effort was probably about I guess eighty percent of the engram. You can run an engram and run the perceptics out of it, you can run the anaten out of it, but if you don't run the effort out of it, you've still got about eighty percent of it left. So you could just run out engrams all over the track, and get nothing but a restimulation of this effort. And yet effort is the easiest thing to get, and the perceptics when pulled out of the effort.


Pushing and Pulling Efforts


Ron Hubbard, from 5203C07B:


"Now, if you want to go into physics, effort is force and direction. Now, when you apply an effort, you push against something or pull against something, try to change a direction of something - but it’s always concerned with two precise things: either your effort is to make something remain in a state of rest or your effort is to keep something in motion, and as a subunit, change. To remain in - something remains in a state of rest, keeps something moving, or to change the speed or direction of a movement. And these are all the categories of effort there are. That’s all.


"Any body in the physical universe is trying to obey Newton’s laws. They usually succeed. And therefore, anything which your body is trying to act upon in the physical universe is trying to remain in a state of rest or it’s trying to remain in motion or it’s trying to change - either go faster, go slower or change direction. Now, that’s all that bodies will do. That’s all energy will do. Energy is a mass of particles, which is a mass of motion.


"Now, therefore you see that you, as an entity capable of exerting force, can do these three things: start, stop and change. That is effort."



Being Wrong: Mis-Estimation of Efforts


Ron Hubbard, from 5203C07B:


"Your mind, in perceiving, is doing nothing but estimating efforts. When it is applied to the physical universe it is doing nothing but estimating efforts - either estimating them to be done immediately or to be held in abeyance to be done in the future. And sometimes your mind will get up on a maybe, whereby it’s trying to estimate past efforts which you already estimated and didn’t estimate correctly. And, really, the only way you can be wrong in the physical universe is to fail to estimate an effort.


"It’s as simple as that: If you walk over and pick up your hat, you estimate the amount of effort which you will have to apply to overcome the gravity and air resistance on your hat, the amount of grip that you will have to put on the hat to create enough friction or enough support in order to hold the hat. Simultaneously you are putting forth continuously the effort at keeping yourself in balance in the physical universe. That’s all there is to it. Very simple.


"But you see that you could do many of these actions, and therefore it’d start looking very complex. How can you be wrong? You reach over and start to pick up the hat, and you pick up the hat as though it weighed a ton and it only weighs two ounces. Naturally, you’d sort of go off balance and so on. That is being wrong. Or if you go over to pick up the hat and you’ve estimated that it weighs two ounces and this hat has a brick in it, you start to pick it up and it actually weighs several pounds, you’ll get the sensation of being wrong."


Importance vs. Sequence of Reducing Engram Layers


Ron Hubbard, from 5203C07B:


"You can audit without knowing anything about the effect of language on an engram because it’s much more important to get the effort out and get the emotion out and get the person’s own postulates out than to get out what’s said to him.


"In order of importance - in order of importance, the things to get out of an engram are thought, meaning the person’s own thoughts, evaluations, postulates, conclusions; emotion, the person’s own emotion; and the effort and counter-Effort; and the inhibitors of affinity, reality and communication; counter-thought, as the final swing.


"You can also take out of it counter-emotion, Now, that is the order of importance but it is not the order used in reducing a facsimile. The order of reducing a facsimile where you use these various items and where you address these various items of the facsimile, is a different order. [...]


"The order in which these various things come up out of a facsimile is not completely constant. In other words, I can give you the order of importance with ease, but the order that they will appear out of the facsimile while you’re auditing the preclear is not a constant order. It will vary, not only from incident to incident but it will vary from preclear to preclear.


"Now, there are preclears that when you set them up at the beginning of an incident will simply sail straight through, pick up everything in it and come out at the other end - whew! like that. You run them through it a few times and it’s gone, and you have not had to ask them for a single thing.


"There are preclears that will run through it and will get everything out of it but the effort. They will get a shadow of the effort when they get the pain. They will pick up the pains out of it without picking up the efforts and counter-efforts which create the pain. Because you see, pain is not a separate perceptic. Pain is simply the impact of counter-effort and effort. And when it’s too much impact, you get too much randomity, and that too much randomity is pain.


"When these two things come together, the immovable body and the irresistible force - impact - why, the result is registered as pain. So that they will get these high points of pain. They’ll just get the pain and they’ll run through and they’ll consider that they’ve run the incident. Actually, in addition to that pain is their effort and the countereffort, and the incident cannot be considered to be erased until the effort and counter-effort is out of it.


"So you want to watch that. Now the very sticky sort of a case may start running nothing but effort, and all you can get off of this case is really just some effort and some counter-effort. And you fool around with effort and counter-effort and effort and counter-effort, and all of a sudden some emotion appears out of it, and so you run the emotion. And after you’ve run the emotion for a while and run the emotional curves particularly, all of a sudden here come the postulates. Because what the preclear thought himself is important, far more important than what was said to him or what someone else thought about it.


"Now therefore, the usual order of affairs of running preclears is you’re liable to get some pain and some effort and some counter-effort, and then you’re liable to get some emotion and then you’ll get some postulates and conclusions. That is, maybe the first run through - maybe you’ll get nothing but a little effort; and maybe the next run through, why, you’ll get some effort and counter-effort; and the next run through you’ll get a little bit of emotion; and the next run through, you - why, he gets some more emotion. And then the emotion becomes very plain and then all of a sudden postulates start to fly out of this. And about the fifth run through, you start to get the postulates out of it. That’s quite ordinary as an order.


"But in many cases all you’ll find there, when you run it through the first time, is emotion - no postulates, no intentions, nothing - just nothing but emotions. And you run them through from beginning to end, and you’ll find they’re running nothing but emotion. And out of this emotion may fly postulates, or out of this emotion may fly effort. It may go either way, because on either side of emotion - above emotion you have thought and below emotion you have effort. So you just have to reduce this as it comes up."



Teaching a Client to Run Efforts and Counter-Efforts


Ron Hubbard, from 5203C07B:


"And when you say, “Run effort,” why, he knows what you mean by effort - that’s emotion. And when you say, “Now, run the emotion off of this,” he says, “There’s no emotion on it and there’s just apathy,” And of course apathy is emotion. So is determinism, by the way; these are emotions. Tell him to run the emotion off of this and he says, “There is no emotion here.” “Well, can you get the feeling of having to endure!” (If he’s very low toned.) And “Sure, I can get the feeling of having to endure.” Well, run the feeling of enduring off of the incident and you’ve got the first emotion.


"You get the idea! If he’ll run through a feeling on the incident and you ask him for a feeling or how he feels about it, you will very often get something that he doesn’t bother to articulate, but you’ll be getting the thing that’s supposed to come off the facsimile. Get the idea!


"You don’t have to get too technical with him, but a good way to indoctrinate him is to hand him a chair and say, “Pick that up with your right hand,” and he does. Then you take the chair and you say, “All right.” Take it away from him and you say, “All right. Run through that.” And he says, “What do you mean, run through that!” “Well, go back to the moment you picked up the chair and heft it again. No, no, don’t reach for the chair. Just heft it again as though you were imagining it was happening,” or something, you know. So he does, and “Do that now until you get the weight of the chair in your hand.” “Well, yeah! Yeah, I can do that.” “All right. That’s effort. Now run it through three or four times.” He does. And “You see, the effort is going out of the incident. That’s right, that’s right. Well, that’s reducing effort.” “Oh! Is that what you’re talking about! Well, that’s fine.”


"Then if you hit him on the shoulder, slap him on the shoulder or something like that and say, “Now, that’s a counter effort. Now lets go back through it again and run out that effort of the impact against the shoulder.” Mmm. He maybe runs his own effort to resist the impact. You can tell if he’s doing this. And you say, “Now, get just the force hitting your shoulder, not your shoulder’s force hitting back at the hand.” And he works at this and works at this and you say, “You know, it’s the effort of the atmosphere or the environment. It’s the atmosphere or environment’s push against you, that’s what we’re looking for,” “Oh, is that what it is! Yeah, I can get that.” Now, you’ve got his effort and you’ve got counter-effort differentiated for him."


Getting off Efforts, Emotions, Thoughts from all Shift Points in Incidents


Ron Hubbard, from 5203C07B:


"Now, let’s take a - just take a facsimile which the patient has - the preclear has continually. He holds this facsimile before him all the time. Where is he located in the facsimile! Well, this should be of great interest to you.


"You think of cases normally as having all their facsimiles in apathy if they’re in apathy. No. There’s an apathy underlying all the facsimiles taken since he came into apathy. But if you knock out that basic facsimile, the others turn up with a different tone value. You understand how that is? So here is an individual going along consciously [marking on blackboard] and all of a sudden goes unconscious. At the deepest point of the unconsciousness - in the center of it, the deepest part of the swing - the person is in apathy. He’s almost dead. On the Tone Scale he’s dropped down to 0.1. He’s unconscious; he’s almost dead.


"But there’s still 0.1 between him and death, by the way, so he’s not completely gone. Up here, [marking on blackboard] up here he was angry when he went into this incident. He was trying to hold on, he was trying to make them stop. So his tone, the tone of this point, is anger. Over here, let us say, [marking on blackboard] as well as here, here and here on the incident, are points of fear. He’s become very afraid all of a sudden. He was angry. Now, he’s found out his anger didn’t work, so he drops down Tone Scale - although he’s going unconscious all this time - he becomes afraid, and his fear brings him down to this point.


"Now, a little bit lower than this in it, he’s actually in grief there. And he’s in grief there as he comes up out of it again. Now, there’s effort and counter-effort at each one of these points, and there’s also postulates at each one of these points. And his life has summed up in such a way that he’s holding on to this unconsciousness facsimile at one of these points on the dip: he’s either holding on to it at anger, he’s holding on to it at fear, at grief, at apathy. One of these points he’s holding on to it, and that determines his chronic tone. See how this would be? Now, he can vary a little bit from that chronic tone, but not much if the facsimile is really strong."





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