In a nutshell: The technical background with references and tape excerpts to DEEP Character Clearing,

Clearbird's approach to GPM processing.


The Technical Background


Ron Hubbard, HCOB 28 SEP 63 (Read Full Text):


"Anything worrying the PC or reducing his capability or life potential is to be found in Actual Items or Goals, not in engrams or implants. These are not primary causes. Only the pc’s own goals and items are capable of basically causing the trouble."


"The PC's own goals and items are the final road to O.T."

 "The PC's own goals and items are the final road to O.T."



What is this website about?

The subject of this website is the processing of Goals Problems Masses, abbreviated to GPMs. We have often encountered these terms in our training. Who of us has not asked the question: "Why, if this part of the case is so important, did Ron Hubbard never finish the research on it, and why is it not part of the standard Bridge?" Here is our explanation.

Today, GPMs are approached with DEEP Character Clearing (DCC), a new yet thoroughly tested technology, developed by the same Class VIII Auditor who has set standards of excellence before in his groundbreaking work on general processing technology, the Clearbird Materials.

This page gives you the technical background to DEEP Character Clearing in a nutshell. More detailed explanations and a thorough look at the history of GPM processing you find in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and in Clearbird's Series of GPM Articles.

We are using Scientology terms throughout this site. If you are not familiar with them, you can find a Scientology Glossary here. We also have a GPM Glossary on this website, which is more detailed in the explanation of GPM related terms, while most general Scientology terms have been skipped.


What is a Goals Problems Mass (GPM)?

A goals problems mass (GPM) is a conglomerate of mental masses which are the remains of eons of living, game playing and fighting. A thetan would always pursue some goal or other; would always engage opponents or run into opposition to that goal; would suffer physical pain (engrams) while playing against or fighting this opposition; postulates would clash; mental energies would collide.

All these ancient old games and conflicts result in solid identities ("valences") - the roles that the thetan played in his life's movies while pursuing his goals, and the roles played by other thetans opposing his goals.

Ron Hubbard, tape excerpt from 6204C24: The GPM is constituted of items and beingnesses that the person has been and has fought. [...]

"Each valence is composed of a lifetime or series of lifetimes and all of the pictures and energy and standing wave accumulations of that lifetime or series. These form black balls of mass in the mind which are sections of collapsed time track. [...]"


"The balls are made of standing waves of electricity that take the form in the mind of actual, measurable mass [...]" (Read full text)


How often have you thought "How can such a highly trained OT be so hostile? Why does he go into such a massive games condition with me?" The answer: because he has a GPM restimulated, where you resemble a former enemy - his processing is still  incomplete - he has pretty certificates on display saying "OT completion"  but still  dramatizes unhandled parts of his case.

Since we have never directly addressed GPMs in running our grades, engrams or OT levels, many of us are still dramatizing these unresolved conflicts. We have kept fighting these fights; some of them have gone on over many lifetimes. We tend to react in present time in a similar way. We may go into fighting mode at the slightest trigger, rather than being the friendly, helpful, tolerant, enlightened person that we hoped to become through our training and processing.

Such restimulations can be seen in many situations: from things as recent as a teenager fighting his overpowering mother - to our quarrels with former spouses - to events lifetimes back like an inquisitor hounding a witch - or way back in tribal times  where bloody conflicts and attacking wild animals were the order of the day. There were fighting, fighting, fighting wherever we look! And here we are in the 21st century, having never inspected the roles that became so deeply engraved in us over millenia. After all our auditing gains we are still dramatizing these violent patterns - we just keep repeating them over and over.


The good news: Once spotted, this type of case responds to processing just like any other aberration. The masses simply dissolve! We see the same results of as-is-ness and an often remarkable recovery and realignment of life and environment. DEEP Character Clearing has specifically been developed to address these locked-in-place identities and their fights (Clearbird calls that phenomenon "frozen games conditions"). Again and again we have heard from our pilot PCs that no other processing they have received would handle their games conditions. And if it was a present time fight that we looked at, more often than not we saw the same miraculous result that we know from the suppressed person rundown: The hostile person, our "enemy", suddenly changed his mind and made a friendly approach in the physical universe.


Inquisitor and witch are just two of the countless roles we have been playing in deadly opposition to one another.  Imagine the hell of a marriage between two people who remind each other of such merciless hatred...

What is DEEP Character Clearing?

In DEEP Character Clearing  the word "character" is being used in its definition of a role or figure, like in a movie.

DEEP again stands for Decisions, Emotions, Energies (or Efforts) and Polarities, an approach which is also used in DEEP Incident Running (DIR).

The principle in DEEP is that the characters we are processing are arranged in opposing pairs (Polarities), and that all decisions, emotions and efforts are flattened individually. This goes back to a basic datum by Ron Hubbard that somehow never made its way into standard auditing routines despite its importance to processing - see our Tape Excerpts.

Ron Hubbard, "History of Man", chapter 2:


"THOUGHT, EMOTION, EFFORT, COUNTER-THOUGHT, COUNTER-EMOTION, COUNTER-EFFORT, motivator ATTENTION UNITS, overt ATTENTION UNITS, ded ATTENTION UNITS and their manifestation on the various tone scale charts are the sum and total of factors to be audited out of any one target. Each and every auditing target contains these factors, is audited in the same way, has the same basic behaviour pattern, and succumbs to such auditing." (Read full text)

Auditing as we know it is mainly focusing on general recall and on thought. In DCC, we take great care that emotions are flattened as well, and we pay special attention to the handling of efforts, to which there exist a lot of fascinating early Ron Hubbard references. Processing Efforts, Emotions and Thoughts is probably the most neglected, yet most productive of all approaches in auditing.

Although it can be run in a standard auditing environment, DEEP Character Clearing is typically delivered by telephone - most often online via Skype. With this now well tested setup, it is not necessary to buy plane tickets or use up your job vacation time to tackle the completion of your Bridge. You just turn on your computer and go in session!

DEEP Character Clearing has specifically been developed to clear away the charge from the many roles that we have played in our whole track personal history. What we do is in other words: we dissolve the "frozen games conditions", the notorious irrational patterns of conduct that many of us are still stuck in, even after having done the whole standard Bridge.


What is DEEP Character Clearing not?

DEEP Character Clearing (DCC) does not replace standard processing as we know it - like Life Repair, the Grades or Incident Running. It is the logical continuation of the standard Bridge and builds on that. It also does not replace the OT levels, original or new. It is its own level, and a very important one, if we may say so - see what Ron Hubbard has to say about this!

Like for any other major action, a PC has to be set up for DCC by getting his case into a condition stable enough to address a new area of charge that asks for his full attention.

The best results have been seen in people who also have auditor training. Although this is not a prerequisite, the general understanding of life provided by auditor training is of great benefit in the running of DEEP Character Clearing.


Processing Efforts, Emotions and Thoughts

Thoroughly flattening efforts, emotions and thoughts is probably the most neglected, yet most productive of all approaches in auditing. It will also exhaust the charge in incident running. Comparative sessions on the same incident chain have demonstrated that there was plenty of charge left after the chain seemed to have EP'ed on plain R3R. With one PC we had to repeat months of R3R auditing with DEEP Incident Running (DIR), when the incidents kept popping up in session despite apparently valid Dianetics EP's.

Ron Hubbard talks extensively about this in the "Hubbard College" tape series of 1952. A review of later HCOB's shows that he keeps repeating that we should NOT abandon the "old" (= early = essential) basics when adopting new technology, which apparently has happened not only once but several times in the history of auditing. In the C/S Series, he gets quite drastic:

Ron Hubbard, HCOB 30 JUNE 1970R:


"What if, in the science of physics, a book by Professor Glumph came out, omitting the three laws of motion and gravity. It is assumed then that Newton’s laws are no longer valid. Because they are old. (Newton lived between 1642 and 1727.) So some young student engineer is baffled because bridges have weight and can’t work out gravity or motion! And he and his fellows begin to build without knowing these laws and there goes the whole of engineering and the culture itself!"

Hardly a thing is cemented as solidly by Ron Hubbard as the processing of efforts, emotions and thoughts. We have reproduced Selected Quotes on this website, but the real extent of Ron Hubbard's intention becomes apparent only when listening to his 1952 tapes. DEEP Incident Running (DIR) could nearly be called "Dianetics 52" for this very reason, if it were not also containing other elements that have appeared later.

In any event, DEEP Character Clearing (DCC) goes back to the roots in this matter. Its author moved in reverse gear on the time track of auditing development to where it all started, and picked up the basic tools that we lost from our auditor equipment bag on our road to present time, just as Ron Hubbard expects it from a Class VIII auditor


Class VIII and Standard Tech

One of the key jobs of a Class VIII auditor, according to Ron Hubbard, is to  ensure that standard tech is being used in his environment.

Is it standard tech to bring essential technology that dropped out of use back into the auditing room? You judge! Or rather, here we have Ron Hubbard's statement in this matter:

Ron Hubbard, HCOB 26 FEB 1970:

"Standard Tech is not a process or a series of processes. It is following the rules of processing.

"For example, one runs a process to its end phenomena. One lists by L & N laws. One sees that a question reads before auditing it. One audits with TRs in. One follows the Auditor’s Code. One repairs any ARC Break or gets it repaired. One doesn’t kid around and coffee shop with processes. One gets trained for the grade he is auditing. One uses study tech. One checks out HCOBs correctly. That sort of thing is Standard Tech.

"Any process ever taught on the SHSBC or ever released in ANY book can be audited and be Standard Tech."


DEEP Character Clearing Successes

See a selection of Success Reports that clients wrote during the piloting phase of DEEP Character Clearing (DCC). Some of them have been life changing.

Can you imagine the difference between walking around with a ball of black masses around your head, or living life in a transparent clear space?


Processing Prerequisites

There are no set processing prerequisites for DEEP Character Clearing (DCC) - you don't have to be Clear or OT to start on DCC - except that a client must be able to run it. In our first DCC session with you we will run a sample situation which will show quickly whether DCC can be run at this time or requires some more time of preparations.


Why did Ron Hubbard Never Complete his GPM Research?

We have encountered the terms Goals Problems Mass and GPM so many times in our training. Who of us has not asked the question: "Why, if this part of the case is so important, did Ron Hubbard never finish the research on it, and why is it not part of the standard Bridge?" Here is our explanation:

The research in this area was done before Ron Hubbard defined what we now know as "auditing basics". While there were alarming reports about the dangers of GPM sessions at the time, now in hindsight they can all be traced back to violations of the (then unknown) basic rules of auditing. With these rules properly applied, GPM processing is as safe as any other auditing and, corresponding with the key importance of GPMs in our case, it provides superior results. Clearbird tells the history of all this in his article GPMs: Adventurous Routine 2-12, a study in the 1960s GPM tech.


Ron Hubbard References and GPM Articles

If you want to read more of GPM theory and the history of GPM processing, here are some Definitions and Tape Excerpts from the work of Ron Hubbard, and a Collection of Articles written by Clearbird over the years.


The author of the Clearbird materials has completed his work on another milestone of processing technology - the missing level of "Actual GPMs"

Who Are We?

Heidrun Beer, assistant to Clearbird and webmaster of this site

DEEP Character Clearing (DCC) has been developed by the same Class VIII auditor who wrote the famous Clearbird Materials, assisted by his partner Heidrun Beer, who is also the author of this website. Both have been active in the independent field for many years. Their cooperation started in 2009; since 2010 they are delivering processing and training as a team, currently with bases in Denmark and Austria.

As of this date (early 2012), we are the only two people who can deliver this important processing.  Until we have trained more auditors, our capacity is limited - so please make sure that you book your sessions ahead of time.

Trained auditors interested in the training will be given priority for receiving sessions. We want to prevent any delivery bottleneck. To receive more information, please use our Contact Form, or send us an e-mail to





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