DEEP Character Clearing
and the GPM Case
by Clearbird
(DEEP= decisions, energies, emotions, polarities)
We as spiritual Beings have played an almost infinity of different games and
roles in this universe. The reason to join in games in the first place was
basically to experience engagement and excitement. To play a role in a game
seemed better than just "sitting on a cloud" in a serene and ideal state and
listen to harp music and the whisper of eternity. The motto we follow now seems
to be "There must be a game!" and "Any game is better than no game!" We
experience engagement, fun and the full range of emotions from playing games.
Unfortunately, "All games are aberrative." Since a certain type of game (say,
"to teach," "to have a family," "to fight for justice") tends to deteriorate over
the eons, Beings become more and more aberrated by keeping on playing them. Yet,
they hold onto all the experiences they gather but in a reactive way. They keep
it so they know what to do next time that game comes around. But they also
accumulate reactive experiences and behavioral patterns that may take control in
very irrational ways. In this manner the Being accumulates what is known as the
GPM case.
The GPM case exists as
ridges and energies in
and around the body. |
Stuck Identities
The GPM Case is basically conflicting identities the Being is stuck in and the
efforts, emotions and impulses of these identities. The mental masses and
energies that is the record of these conflicts make up complex unresolved
problems of very long duration on the case. The Being, from ideally being a free
spirit capable of being anything at will, has become a fragmented and complex
Being, a congregation of stuck viewpoints out of alignment and somewhat
short-circuited. The efforts exerted by these conflicting and colliding
identities (or stuck roles in games of the past) build up mental masses and
tensions that can result in all kinds of unwanted sensations, pains, etc. This
can result in physical illness in some cases. The ideas and patterns engraved in
these masses can result in aberrated ideas and behavior, even insanity.
We define "Identity" this way: It is a way to organize skills and experience, so
they are instantly available to the Being when needed. Before the identity was
formed there was a goal expressing the "want to succeed" (or sometimes ”want to
have” or end product) in a certain area. A doctor would have a goal like "to
heal people," (by end product: to make healthy people); an architect a goal like
"to build houses". (By end product: to make nicely built houses). So there is a
basic goal and an identity that go together and they define the game and the
role to play. An identity is obviously also a substitute for the Being. From a
free Being's viewpoint, an identity is a piece in a game (as for instance a
piece in a chess game) he controls and identifies with.
Hats and Characters
A fully analytical identity is called a Hat. Wearing one's hat means one knows
one's business and is competent in that area. The Being is a competent player in
that particular game. "The wearing of one's hat" is wearing all the skills
needed to perform a certain job or function competently. There is no need to
consult books, etc. When one knows the hat fully, one can "instinctively" and
instantly execute the job competently. One is a competent player in that game.
A more reactive identity is called a Character. It contains impulses, emotions
and ideas on how to handle a certain type of situation or opponent. It is mainly
that kind of identities we are interested in in DEEP Character Clearing.
Characters are viewpoints split off from the main Being at some point. They are
substitutes for the Being. They contain much reactivity in the form of efforts,
impulses, emotions, feelings and strange ideas.
DEEP Character Clearing clears up the reactivity and all the irrational
automatic impulses one acts on in handling situations, other people and life.
Once again these cut off viewpoints become integrated into the Being as free
life-force under the Being's control.
A basic unit of the GPM is
the goal and the identity that excecutes it. In DEEP Character
Clearing we use the terms “Main Effort” for goal and “Character” for
the ID. Identities with the goal “to catch fish” can be very
different based on culture, technology and experiences; the word
Character reflects that. In DEEP we are mainly interested in the
characters as they contain all the mass while the goals derive from
a non physical decision or postulate. Still, getting the goal /main
effort of a Character is of vital importance. The goal is actually
the life force that accumulates the mass. |
Fragmentation and Integrity
When the person first comes in for processing the case state he or she is in
could best be characterized with this word: Fragmented. We are not talking about
"multiple personality" except in very rare cases. We are talking about ordinary
people and we find that their life-force is locked up in the identities the
person has been in past games, lives and scenarios. The free life force is also
locked up in identities the person has fought. These identities have since been
reduced to small packages and the Being has put a lid on it all. From being a
life size drama it has been reduced to an ambivalent attitude towards certain
subjects or persons; to an occasional headache and odd and inexplicable
impulses. Through DEEP Character Clearing, the locked up life-force becomes once
again freed up and at the Being's disposal in present time. The person can as a
result be exactly what is needed in a certain situation using "fresh" life-force
and without being caught up in all the odd and old identities and characters who
offer complicated solutions in various life situations – solutions and circuits
that most frequently are completely out of date and inapplicable.
GPMs a Bureaucracy of the Mind
The GPM case is basically built on goals. A goal is a long term strategy or
solution to a life situation. It is a statement of something desirable or wanted
one is striving to obtain. All goals are thus decisions of creating a future and
thus time. These GPM goals, as they now exist, contain a lot of effort. They
express themselves in somewhat obsessive and automatic actions and behaviors. We
are often dealing with a system of pulling and pushing in opposing or
conflicting directions. It has become a system of "bureaucratic solutions" to
life situations that existed. By bureaucratic solution is meant: Each element
(consisting of a goal and its identity) was established as a routine practice at
some point. It was left in place even after the life situation shifted
completely. Now it keeps nagging the person as irrational actions and impulses
that don't apply to his/her current situation. As you see in groups that have
decayed and fragmented, the different members of the group fight each other,
each holding a stuck viewpoint and incapable of seeing the viewpoints of the
other members. Sometimes these conflicts are overruled and swept aside by a
"strong man" or dictator, but the underlying conflicts still exist in suppressed
form and steal maybe 90% of the power or life-force available.
A bureaucracy operates on
a fixated set of goals. It does not on its own adapt to new
situations. The typical bureaucrat takes no-nonsense from anyone as
he knows he does what he is supposed to. This is very comparable to
the characters and their main efforts we find in the GPMs. Each
character operates in a mechanical mode. The bureaucracy as such,
without any outside help, becomes a non viable system of circuits
and machinery. |
Each of these once long term goals started out as a bright strategy or solution
to a life situation. A better future was postulated. Over time the goal
deteriorated to less and less ambitious expectations and eventually got
abandoned – or they became irrelevant as life situations changed. The life
energy that got fed into them was reduced, yet it works as a secret leak or
nullifying of power or life-force. (In a malfunctioning bureaucracy you often
get a clear illustration of how this infighting results in nullification of
power.) The goal decayed and became a total automatic routine; it sort of
petrified. From being an alive decision and strategy for a better future it
became a potential heavy effort out of control.
A main goal (as found in a profession, career, lifestyle, personal or social
ambition) was the basic force and power behind the forming and building of the
identity. As mentioned, an identity is a handy way to organize relevant skills
and experiences in order to survive and thrive along a certain goal line. As
time went on, incidents and experiences added mass to it. It accumulated
negative and traumatic experiences, adding more mass and aberration. Over the
long career of the Being in this universe, many identities were formed this way,
typically one at the time. That was what the Being was living. He spent a life
as a baker and formed an identity as a baker with all the skills, experience and
knowledge that takes; then another one, etc.
GPMs and Roles
A Being can be anything and it seems most Beings have tried just about anything.
A Being could have been a police man for many lives, then a robber for several
lifetimes, then a career as a judge over several lives, then a jail keeper or
hang man career, then a role as victim of crime, then returning to being a
police man once more, etc., etc. These identities or roles all exist in
rudimentary form around the Being as fragments in conflict or fragments
nullifying each other in what is perceived as mental ridges. These identities
could also be considered a resource and data base for handling just about any
situation and that is probably why the Being holds onto all this.
As all these identities and experiences added up and never really got sorted
out, the Being got absorbed in complexities. One identity (such as robber) got
hung up against other identities (such as police man, judge or victim) and
formed what is called a GPM – or as we prefer to call it – a goals identity
super-problem (GISP).
A Being has tried just
about anything in terms of identities. Therefore when playing a
game, such as being a robber, the opposing side will often get
triggered, such as being a jail keeper. With a few associated but
conflicting goals and their identities in play, we soon have a Goals
Identies Super Problem (or GISP), the DEEP term for GPMs. |
The Running of DEEP Character Clearing
The way DEEP Character Clearing works is to isolate one character (ID) and its
main effort (goal) and run it; then find the main character or effort in conflict
with the original one and in turn run that one out. The processor asks for
certain types of polarities involved in such a character as well as emotions,
supporting efforts, decisions and thoughts that all are part of the identity
package. Sometimes the one side can be handled completely and the other side
seems to have faded away in the process and lost its influence on the case. The
End Point of any such action is that the split off fragment or identity once
again has become free life-force at the Being's disposal. The Being can now at
will be that character and hat when life situations call for it. When one keeps
up handling all available identities and polarities a whole layer of conflicting
efforts and conflicting characters can be run out on the case and by then one
has gotten rid of the accessible part of the GPM case (the GISP case).
What the Being will experience after such processing is a much greater ability
to grant beingness to others. The life force locked up in these old games, these
old goals and identities has, once again, been reunited with the Being who
created them. This means more life force available and a tremendous move up the
tone scale. The Being will see in himself a much greater ability to adapt his
own beingness to difficult or new situations. Instead of his mind and spirit
being a split up conglomerate or a fragmentation into a big malfunctioning
bureaucracy of old solutions, the mind and spirit will consist of free
life-force and constructive imagination, images and thinking made in present
time and resulting in new abilities. The Being can routinely experience this:
at will to be anything the situation requires and with great compassion be able
to permeate opponents and enemies and get the opponent to brighten up and
self-determinedly change his stubborn and uncooperative ways.
There are a number of ways to get started in finding one side of a
goals-identity super problem (GISP). Once that is found and run, the other side
will usually be easily available. One can then find other layers (polarities)
related to the same goals and identities or find something else that now is
available. We have found with this technique the risks are very minimal. You run
what you find and flatten it and something else will offer itself to be run.
Some of these goals and identities will be central pieces of the case, others
may be marginal and only in play as synthetic identities. That is fine. That is
also how it works in life. Not all polarities found are basic conflicts of
archetypical dimensions. That is fine too. It all serves to unburden the basic
goals and conflicts that have had defining importance to the Being's career in
this and earlier universes.
“What the
Being will experience after such processing is a much greater
ability to grant beingness to others. The life force locked up in
these old games, these old goals and identities has, once again,
been reunited with the Being who created them.” |
What is run out directly in DEEP Character Clearing are the characters (IDs)
that are built around one particular goal or strategy and its contributing
efforts. There is a main effort (the goal) and a long series of contributing
efforts (the organization behind effectively executing the main goal or effort.)
All these efforts are considered "character traits" as they add up to what we
call a character. They add up to the hat that is being worn in order to succeed
at a particular goal. The contributing efforts we are looking for make up an
organization board of sorts.
In order to catch fish (main effort, goal) and be a good fisherman (character,
ID) there are many functions that need to work. The fisherman is dealing with
all kinds of forces, tools and practical problems; cultural factors and
prevailing fixed ideas and must have a set of responses in place in order to be
successful as a fisherman. Since these hats routinely are way out of time and
place there is a lot of aberration contained in them.
The problems involved can also be compared to an old sleepy (or angry and
infighting) bureaucracy where the one officer is unaware of the others. The
bureaucracy has fragmented. Each single bureaucrat knows that he is right and he
knows that he must carry out his duties regardless of any opposition. It is this
fragmentation that nullifies old bureaucracies' power and it is a similar
simmering of old forgotten conflicts that nullifies a Being's power.
There are different entrances into DEEP Character Clearing. Each way of entering
can be organized into a rundown. At this time, one uses the approach that is
most appropriate to what the person offers as the main issue. The most
obvious starting point is to take a list of individuals that are perceived as
troublesome or hostile to the person. These are in some way in opposition to the
person (or perceived to be) and thus make good processing material as
counter-poles. When doing that, the "other side" of the polarity is often
perceived as self in a special capacity or situation.
In addressing this, we address two main stumbling blocks to case progress:
1) We handle any ongoing conflicts with the upsets, problems and guarded secrets
involved (out rudiments.)
2) We handle any ongoing suppression on the case, also known as PTSness, at its
root cause.
The main difference between running this action and other actions of DEEP
Character Clearing is in how you go about getting into the technique. Therefore
there will be some unique steps, mainly at the beginning of an action, for the
different rundowns.
What is taken up as the first action is individuals in the person's present time
the person has difficulties with, meaning lots of problems, conflicts, upsets,
personality clashes, etc.
This can be expanded to troublesome individuals the person has encountered
earlier in life.
Also, scanning the person's history for old conflicts and major upsets will
reveal much material.